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Standards Australia celebrates outstanding contributions to standards development at its annual Standards Awards for 2024
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Winners of the annual Standards Awards were announced at a ceremony held in Sydney on May 24.

These awards recognise the remarkable achievements of members within the Australian standards development community, especially those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, technical expertise and contributed positively to the development and enhancement of standards.


By promoting the use of national and international best practices and incorporating emerging technologies, these exceptional community members have played a pivotal role in improving standards across various sectors.

Geoff Boughton, a respected figure in structural engineering and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Cyclone Testing Station at James Cook University, has been honoured as the winner of the prestigious W.R. Hebblewhite Medal.


Geoff has made significant contributions to the field over his 40-year career. His expertise in timber products, structures, and wind actions on low-rise buildings has led to important changes in Codes and Standards. Geoff’s dedication to improving the built environment against extreme weather conditions is evident in his work with various Standards Australia Committees and his role in drafting wind loading standards for Fiji. His contributions, particularly in wind actions on low-rise buildings, have enhanced community safety through the Building Code of Australia. Geoff’s work is recognised and respected both nationally and internationally.

The awards presented during the ceremony were:


W.R Hebblewhite Medal – Geoff Boughton

Meritorious Contribution Award (National) - Colin Wood

Meritorious Contribution Award (National) - Robert Morgan

Meritorious Contribution Award (International) – Vivienne Christ

Emerging Leader Award – Sarah Brunton

Innovation Award – Harm Ellens

Outstanding Committee Award - BD-090 Bridge Design

The annual Standards Awards are a much-awaited event where we celebrate those who represent Standards Australia and make a valuable contribution to the lives of Australians. It’s an honour to host this event and meet the remarkable individuals who are driving standards forward and cultivating excellence in their fields,” said Emma Harrington, Chief Executive Officer of Standards Australia.


By celebrating our annual Awards recipients, we bring into focus the remarkable contributions they and our entire community have made in our pursuit to make the world a safer, fairer and more sustainable place for everyone.”

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